Gut microbiota differences in stunted and normal-lenght children aged 36-45 months in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

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Needs review
PMID PubMed identifier for scientific articles.
DOI Digital object identifier for electronic documents.
Surono IS, Popov I, Verbruggen S, Verhoeven J, Kusumo PD, Venema K
PloS one
The role of the gut microbiota in energy metabolism of the host has been established, both in overweight/obesity, as well as in undernutrition/stunting. Dysbiosis of the gut microbiota may predispose to stunting. The aim of this study was to compare the gut microbiota composition of stunted Indonesian children and non-stunted children between 36 and 45 months from two sites on the East Nusa Tenggara (ENT) islands. Fecal samples were collected from 100 stunted children and 100 non-stunted children in Kupang and North Kodi. The gut microbiota composition was determined by sequencing amplicons of the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene. Moreover, fecal SCFA concentrations were analyzed. The microbiota composition was correlated to anthropometric parameters and fecal metabolites. The phyla Bacteroidetes (Bacteroidota; q = 0.014) and Cyanobacteria (q = 0.049) were significantly higher in stunted children. Three taxa at genus levels were consistently significantly higher in stunted children at both sampling sites, namely Lachnoclostridium, Faecalibacterium and Veillonella (q < 7 * 10-4). These and 9 other taxa positively correlated to the z-score length-for-age (zlen), while 11 taxa negatively correlated with zlen. Several taxa also correlated with sanitary parameters, some of which were also significantly different between the two groups. All three fecal SCFA concentrations (acetate, propionate and butyrate) and their total were lower in stunted children compared to non-stunted children, although not significant for butyrate, indicating lower energy-extraction by the gut microbiota. Also, since SCFA have been shown to be involved in gut barrier function, barrier integrity may be affected in the stunted children. It remains to be seen if the three taxa are involved in stunting, or are changed due to e.g. differences in diet, hygiene status, or other factors. The observed differences in this study do not agree with our previous observations in children on Java, Indonesia. There are differences in infrastructure facilities such as clean water and sanitation on ENT and Java, which may contribute to the differences observed. The role of the gut microbiota in stunting therefore requires more in depth studies. Trial registration: the trial was registered at with identifier number NCT05119218.

Experiment 1

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/22

Curator: An05hka

Revision editor(s): An05hka


Location of subjects
Host species Species from which microbiome was sampled. Contact us to have more species added.
Homo sapiens
Body site Anatomical site where microbial samples were extracted from according to the Uber Anatomy Ontology
Feces Cow dung,Cow pat,Droppings,Dung,Excrement,Excreta,Faeces,Fecal material,Fecal matter,Fewmet,Frass,Guano,Matières fécales@fr,Merde@fr,Ordure,Partie de la merde@fr,Piece of shit,Porción de mierda@es,Portion of dung,Portion of excrement,Portion of faeces,Portion of fecal material,Portion of fecal matter,Portion of feces,Portion of guano,Portion of scat,Portionem cacas,Scat,Spoor,Spraint,Stool,Teil der fäkalien@de,Feces,feces
Condition The experimental condition / phenotype studied according to the Experimental Factor Ontology
Short stature Decreased body height,Height less than 3rd percentile,Short stature,Small stature,Stature below 3rd percentile,short stature
Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Normal Length children
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Stunted Length children
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
Stunted length children aged 36–45 months
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Sequencing type
16S variable region One or more hypervariable region(s) of the bacterial 16S gene
Sequencing platform Manufacturer and experimental platform used for quantifying microbial abundance

Statistical Analysis

Data transformation Data transformation applied to microbial abundance measurements prior to differential abundance testing (if any).
relative abundances
Statistical test
Significance threshold p-value or FDR threshold used for differential abundance testing (if any)
MHT correction Have statistical tests be corrected for multiple hypothesis testing (MHT)?

Alpha Diversity

Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/23

Curator: An05hka

Revision editor(s): An05hka

Source: Figure 4.

Description: Boxplots of the 3 taxa at genus level that were significantly different between non-stunted and stunted children.

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Stunted Length children

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): An05hka

Experiment 2

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/24

Curator: An05hka

Revision editor(s): An05hka

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Normal Length children in Kupang
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Stunted Length children in Kupang
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
Stunted length children aged 36–45 months from Kupang
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Alpha Diversity

Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/24

Curator: An05hka

Revision editor(s): An05hka

Source: Figure 4.

Description: Boxplots of the 3 taxa at genus level that were significantly different (Kruskal-Wallis analysis, with Benjamini-Hochberg FDR correction) between non-stunted and stunted children of Kupang.

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Stunted Length children in Kupang

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): An05hka

Experiment 3

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/24

Curator: An05hka

Revision editor(s): An05hka

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Normal Length children from North Kodi
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Stunted Length children from North Kodi
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
Stunted length children aged 36–45 months from North Kodi

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Alpha Diversity

Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/24

Curator: An05hka

Revision editor(s): An05hka

Source: Figure 4.

Description: Boxplots of the 3 taxa at genus level that were significantly different (Kruskal-Wallis analysis, with Benjamini-Hochberg FDR correction) between non-stunted and stunted children from North Kodi

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Stunted Length children from North Kodi

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): An05hka

Experiment 4

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/24

Curator: An05hka

Revision editor(s): An05hka

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Normal Length children
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Stunted Length children
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
Stunted length children aged 36–45 months
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

MHT correction Have statistical tests be corrected for multiple hypothesis testing (MHT)?

Signature 1

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/24

Curator: An05hka

Revision editor(s): An05hka

Source: Table 3.

Description: Gut microbiota composition at the phylum level

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Stunted Length children

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): An05hka

Experiment 5

38551926/Experiment 5