Help:Dismissable Site Notice
From BugSigDB
The content defined in MediaWiki:Sitenotice will be displayed as a site notice above the page content. Administrators can edit it.
Here is an example of the styled site notice code:
<div class="alert alert-info rounded-0 border border-info"> Site notice text. </div>
It will be rendered as:
Site notice text.
Logged-in users have the ability to dismiss the site notice by clicking the dismiss link.
A user will receive a cookie that will suppress the display of the site notice with the same MediaWiki:Sitenotice id.
In other words, to make users see the notice again:
- administrators can increment the integer in MediaWiki:Sitenotice id or
- users can delete the cookie in their browsers
- A note for administrators
- When you add a new site notice and want everyone to see it, change the number on the MediaWiki:Sitenotice id by one (e.g., if it is currently 5, replace the number on the page with 6 and so on).