Property:Matched on
From BugSigDB
This is a property of type Text.
Factors on which subjects have been matched on in a case-control study (en)
This property shares autocomplete values with the Property:Confounders controlled for.
Allowed values[edit source]
- abdominalhernia
- abnormal glucose tolerance
- accute-on-chronic liver failure
- acetaldehyde
- acute graft vs. host disease
- acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- acute myeloid leukemia
- adenoma
- age
- air pollution
- alcohol consumption measurement
- alcohol drinking
- allergic rhinitis
- alzheimer's disease
- anal intercourse
- anorexia nervosa
- antibiotic
- antibiotic exposure
- antibiotic therapy
- antimicrobial agent
- antimicrobial agent during labor
- antiretroviral therapy
- anxiety disorder
- aortic valve insufficiency
- arthritis
- ascites
- asthma
- atopic asthma
- atopic eczema
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- autism
- behcet's syndrome
- bipolar disorder
- birth country
- birth weight
- bladder calculus
- bladder disease
- blood pressure
- body height
- body mass index
- body odor measurement
- body weight
- breast cancer
- breast carcinoma
- breast feeding
- breast milk measurement
- breastfeeding duration
- bronchitis
- cannabis dependence
- cannabis use
- cellulitis
- cervical cancer
- cervical cerclage
- cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia
- cesarean section
- chemotherapy
- chlamydia trachomatis infectious disease
- chorioamnionitis
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- chronic hepatitis B virus infection
- chronic hepatitis C virus infection
- chronic kidney disease
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- chronic pancreatitis
- cirrhosis of liver
- class/grade level
- coeliac
- colorectal cancer
- comorbidity
- constipation
- contraception
- cough
- COVID-19
- COVID-19 or sequela
- crohn disease
- cystitis
- date
- decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level
- delivery procedure
- demographics
- dental caries
- dental enamel hypoplasia
- diabetes mellitus
- diabetic retinopathy
- diet
- digestive system cancer
- digestive system infectious disease
- drug dependence
- EC (H(+)/K(+)-exchanging ATPase) inhibitor
- eczema
- education level
- egg allergy
- encephalomyelitis
- end stage renal disease
- endometrial cancer
- epilepsy
- equol
- esophageal cancer
- esophageal carcinoma
- esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
- ethical considerations
- ethnic group
- extrahepatic cholestasis
- family history of cancer
- feeding practices
- female reproductive organ cancer
- food allergy
- formula feeding
- gangrene
- gastric adenocarcinoma
- gastric cancer
- gastric carcinoma
- geographic area
- gestational age
- gestational diabetes
- gingival disease
- gingivitis
- graft versus host disease
- graves disease
- graves ophthalmopathy
- hashimoto's thyroiditis
- HDL cholesterol change measurement
- head and neck carcinoma
- head and neck malignant neoplasia
- head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
- health
- health trait
- Helicobacter pylori
- Helicobacter pylori infectious disease
- Henoch-Schoenlein purpura
- hepatitis
- hepatitis, alcoholic
- hepatocellular carcinoma
- high fat diet
- history of GI
- HIV infection
- HIV/AIDS pre-exposure prophylaxis
- HLA match
- homelessness
- household income
- hp infection
- human papilloma virus infection
- huntington disease
- hygiene
- hyperlipidemia
- hyperplastic polyp
- hypertension
- hypertriglyceridemia
- idiopathic rapid eye movement
- immunosuppressant use measurement
- immunodeficiency 74, COVID-19-related, X-linked
- inflammatory bowel disease
- intake of diabetes medication
- iron deficiency anemia
- irritable bowel syndrome
- kidney stone
- leukemia
- leukocyte
- life style
- lung cancer
- lymphoma
- major depressive disorder
- marijuana
- marital status
- maternal age
- medical procedure
- medroxyprogesterone acetate
- menopause
- metabolic syndrome
- methamphetamine dependence
- milk allergic reaction
- mode of birth
- multiple myeloma
- multiple organ failure
- multiple sclerosis
- necrotizing enterocolitis
- neonatal jaundice
- neurogenic bladder
- neuromyelitis optica
- nicotine dependence
- non-alcoholic fatty liver
- non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- non-hodgkins lymphoma
- non-small cell lung carcinoma
- number of sex partners
- number of teeth measurement
- nutritional supplement exposure measurement
- obesity
- obsessive-compulsive disorder
- opioid dependence
- oral candidiasis
- oral halitosis
- oral hygiene
- oral leukoplakia
- oral mucositis
- oral squamous cell carcinoma
- orthocoronavirinae infectious disease
- osteoarthritis
- otitis media with effusion
- ovarian cancer
- pancreatic carcinoma
- parity
- parkinson's disease
- pemphigus vulgaris
- peptic esophagitis
- peri-implantitis
- peridontal microbiome
- periodontal disease
- periodontal pocket
- periodontitis
- phenylketonuria
- physical activity
- pneumonia
- polycystic ovary syndrome
- polyp
- post-traumic stress disorder
- postpartum
- pre-exposure prophylaxis
- premature birth
- preterm premature rupture of the membranes
- primary care clinic
- probiotics during pregnancy
- prostate cancer
- proton-pump inhibitor
- psoriasis
- psoriatic arthritis
- psychosis
- pulmonary tuberculosis
- pyelonephritis
- race
- receptive anal intercourse frequency
- region
- region of residence
- renal cell carcinoma
- response to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant
- response to antineoplastic agent
- response to cancer immunotherapy
- rheumatoid arthritis
- salmonella gastroenteritis
- salmonellosis
- schizophrenia
- sepsis
- sequela of COVID-19
- sessile serrated adenoma
- severe aplastic anemia
- sex
- sex design
- sexual preference
- sexually transmitted infection
- sjogren's syndrome
- socioeconomic status
- smoking behavior
- smoking status
- spontaneous abortion
- squamous cell carcinoma
- staphylococcus skin infection
- status asthmaticus
- stimulus or stress design
- substance related disorder
- substance use
- syncope
- thyroid carcinoma
- time
- time from diagnosis
- titanium dioxide nanoparticles
- tongue neoplasm
- tonsillitis
- total cholesterol measurement
- transplant conditioning
- triglycerides
- tuberculosis
- type I diabetes mellitus
- type II diabetes mellitus
- ulcerative colitis
- unipolar depression
- urinary tract infection
- vaginal pH
- vital capacity
- vulvovaginitis
- waist circumference
- watching tv
- wilson disease
- diabetic neuropathy
- prediabetes syndrome
- vitiligo
- endometriosis
- life style
- sequence read depth
- test entry (do not use)
Maternal omega-3 fatty acids regulate offspring obesity through persistent modulation of gut microbiota/Experiment 1 +
age +
Maternal omega-3 fatty acids regulate offspring obesity through persistent modulation of gut microbiota/Experiment 2 +
age +
Gut Microbiota Markers in Obese Adolescent and Adult Patients: Age-Dependent Differential Patterns/Experiment 6 +
age +
Gut Microbiota Markers in Obese Adolescent and Adult Patients: Age-Dependent Differential Patterns/Experiment 4 +
age +
Bacterial Diversity of Intestinal Microbiota in Patients with Substance Use Disorders Revealed by 16S rRNA Gene Deep Sequencing/Experiment 2 +
age +
Gut Microbiota Markers in Obese Adolescent and Adult Patients: Age-Dependent Differential Patterns/Experiment 5 +
age +
Gut Microbiota Markers in Obese Adolescent and Adult Patients: Age-Dependent Differential Patterns/Experiment 3 +
age +
Gut Microbiota Markers in Obese Adolescent and Adult Patients: Age-Dependent Differential Patterns/Experiment 2 +
age +
Gut Microbiota Markers in Obese Adolescent and Adult Patients: Age-Dependent Differential Patterns/Experiment 1 +
age +
Gastric microbial community profiling reveals a dysbiotic cancer-associated microbiota/Experiment 1 +
age +
High Abundance of genus Prevotella in the gut of perinatally HIV-infected children is associated with IP-10 levels despite therapy/Experiment 1 +
age +
Showing 10 related entities (more are available).
- Cigarette smoking and oral microbiota in low-income and African-American populations/Experiment 2 +
- Cigarette smoking and oral microbiota in low-income and African-American populations/Experiment 3 +
- Differential Responses to Dietary Protein and Carbohydrate Ratio on Gut Microbiome in Obese vs. Lean Cats/Experiment 2 +
- Differential Responses to Dietary Protein and Carbohydrate Ratio on Gut Microbiome in Obese vs. Lean Cats/Experiment 4 +
- Gut mucosal microbiome across stages of colorectal carcinogenesis/Experiment 4 +
- Gut mucosal microbiome across stages of colorectal carcinogenesis/Experiment 5 +
- Human intestinal lumen and mucosa-associated microbiota in patients with colorectal cancer/Experiment 2 +
- Human intestinal lumen and mucosa-associated microbiota in patients with colorectal cancer/Experiment 3 +
- Human oral microbiome and prospective risk for pancreatic cancer: a population-based nested case-control study/Experiment 1 +
- ...
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "abnormal glucose tolerance", "acetaldehyde", "acute graft vs. host disease", "acute lymphoblastic leukemia", "acute myeloid leukemia", "adenoma", "age", "AIDS", "alcohol consumption measurement", "alcohol drinking", "allergic rhinitis", "anorexia nervosa", "antimicrobial agent", "anxiety disorder", "aortic valve insufficiency", "arthritis", "asthma", "atopic asthma", "atopic eczema", "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder", "autism", "bipolar disorder", "birth weight", "bladder calculus", "bladder disease", "blood pressure", "body height", "body mass index", "body odor measurement", "body weight", "breast cancer", "breast carcinoma", "breast milk measurement", "breastfeeding duration", "bronchitis", "cannabis dependence", "cellulitis", "cervical cancer", "cesarean section", "chorioamnionitis", "chronic fatigue syndrome", "chronic hepatitis B virus infection", "chronic hepatitis C virus infection", "chronic kidney disease", "chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", "chronic pancreatitis", "cirrhosis of liver", "colorectal cancer", "contraception", "cystitis", "dental caries", "diabetes mellitus", "diet", "digestive system cancer", "digestive system infectious disease", "drug dependence", "egg allergy", "encephalomyelitis", "endometrial cancer", "epilepsy", "esophageal cancer", "esophageal carcinoma", "esophageal squamous cell carcinoma", "ethnic group", "extrahepatic cholestasis", "family history of cancer", "food allergy", "gangrene", "gastric adenocarcinoma", "gastric cancer", "gastric carcinoma", "gestational age", "gestational diabetes", "gingival disease", "gingivitis", "graft versus host disease", "head and neck carcinoma", "head and neck malignant neoplasia", "head and neck squamous cell carcinoma", "health trait", "Henoch-Schoenlein purpura", "hepatocellular carcinoma", "high fat diet", "HIV infection", "household income", "human papilloma virus infection", "hyperlipidemia", "hypertension", "inflammatory bowel disease", "leukemia", "leukocyte", "lung cancer", "lymphoma", "major depressive disorder", "medical procedure", "menopause", "methamphetamine dependence", "milk allergic reaction", "multiple myeloma", "multiple sclerosis", "necrotizing enterocolitis", "neonatal jaundice", "neuromyelitis optica", "nicotine dependence", "non-alcoholic fatty liver", "non-alcoholic fatty liver disease", "non-small cell lung carcinoma", "number of teeth measurement", "obesity", "obsessive-compulsive disorder", "opioid dependence", "oral candidiasis", "oral mucositis", "oral squamous cell carcinoma", "osteoarthritis", "otitis media with effusion", "ovarian cancer", "pancreatic carcinoma", "pemphigus vulgaris", "peptic esophagitis", "peridontal microbiome", "periodontal disease", "periodontitis", "physical activity", "pneumonia", "polycystic ovary syndrome", "polyp", "postpartum", "premature birth", "preterm premature rupture of the membranes", "prostate cancer", "psoriasis", "psoriatic arthritis", "psychosis", "pulmonary tuberculosis", "pyelonephritis", "renal cell carcinoma", "response to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant", "rheumatoid arthritis", "salmonellosis", "schizophrenia", "severe aplastic anemia", "sex design", "smoking behavior", "squamous cell carcinoma", "stimulus or stress design", "thyroid carcinoma", "time", "tongue neoplasm", "total cholesterol measurement", "type I diabetes mellitus", "type II diabetes mellitus", "ulcerative colitis", "unipolar depression", "vital capacity", "vulvovaginitis", "waist circumference", "diabetic neuropathy", "COVID-19", "immunodeficiency 74, COVID-19-related, X-linked", "prediabetes syndrome", "diabetic retinopathy", "endometriosis", "abdominalhernia", "accute-on-chronic liver failure", "air pollution", "alzheimer's disease", "anal intercourse", "antibiotic", "antibiotic exposure", "antibiotic therapy", "antimicrobial agent during labor", "ascites", "behcet's syndrome", "breast feeding", "cannabis use", "cervical cerclage", "cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia", "chemotherapy", "chlamydia trachomatis infectious disease", "class/grade level", "coeliac", "comorbidity", "cough", "COVID-19 or sequela", "crohn disease", "date", "decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level", "delivery procedure", "demographics", "dental enamel hypoplasia", "eczema", "education level", "end stage renal disease", "equol", "feeding practices", "female reproductive organ cancer", "formula feeding", "geographic area", "graves disease", "graves ophthalmopathy", "hashimoto's thyroiditis", "hepatitis", "hepatitis, alcoholic", "history of GI", "HIV/AIDS pre-exposure prophylaxis", "HLA match", "hyperplastic polyp", "hypertriglyceridemia", "iron deficiency anemia", "kidney stone", "life style", "marijuana", "marital status", "maternal age", "medroxyprogesterone acetate", "mode of birth", "multiple organ failure", "neurogenic bladder", "non-hodgkins lymphoma", "oral halitosis", "oral leukoplakia", "orthocoronavirinae infectious disease", "parity", "parkinson's disease", "peri-implantitis", "periodontal pocket", "phenylketonuria", "post-traumic stress disorder", "primary care clinic", "probiotics during pregnancy", "race", "receptive anal intercourse frequency", "region", "region of residence", "salmonella gastroenteritis", "sepsis", "sequela of COVID-19", "sessile serrated adenoma", "sex", "sjogren's syndrome", "smoking status", "staphylococcus skin infection", "status asthmaticus", "substance related disorder", "syncope", "titanium dioxide nanoparticles", "tonsillitis", "transplant conditioning", "triglycerides", "tuberculosis", "vaginal pH", "watching tv", "wilson disease", "vitiligo", "irritable bowel syndrome", "urinary tract infection", "spontaneous abortion", "metabolic syndrome", "HDL cholesterol change measurement", "immunosuppressant use measurement", "huntington disease", "socioeconomic status", "health", "hygiene", "response to antineoplastic agent", "sequence read depth", "idiopathic rapid eye movement", "intake of diabetes medication", "test entry (do not use)", "response to cancer immunotherapy", "nutritional supplement exposure measurement", "time from diagnosis", "constipation", "birth country", "sexual preference", "EC (H(+)/K(+)-exchanging ATPase) inhibitor", "Helicobacter pylori", "Helicobacter pylori infectious disease", "ethical considerations", "hp infection", "proton-pump inhibitor", "oral hygiene", "antiretroviral therapy", "homelessness", "number of sex partners", "pre-exposure prophylaxis", "sexually transmitted infection", "substance use" ] } }