Transition in vaginal Lactobacillus species during pregnancy and prediction of preterm birth in Korean women

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Needs review
study design
PMID PubMed identifier for scientific articles.
DOI Digital object identifier for electronic documents.
You YA, Park S, Kim K, Kwon EJ, Hur YM, Kim SM, Lee G, Ansari A, Park J, Kim YJ
Scientific reports
The predominance of vaginal Lactobacillus species, specifically L. crispatus, is important for pregnancy maintenance, but varies by race. The composition of the vaginal microbiome can affect susceptibility to adverse pregnancy outcomes. We performed 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing on vaginal swabs taken from Korean pregnant women. Here, we report the transition of Lactobacillus spp. in samples of full-term birth (FTB) collected longitudinally in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy in a cohort study (n = 23) and their association with Lactobacillus abundance and preterm birth (PTB) in a case-control study (n = 200). Lactobacillus species, which was dominant in FTB samples including those that received interventions in the second trimester, did not change until 37 weeks of gestation. However, L. crispatus was replaced by other Lactobacillus species after 37 weeks. The PTB risk showed a closer association with the Lactobacillus abundance than with community state type determined by Lactobacillus species. PTB was associated with less than 90% of Lactobacillus abundance and an increase in Ureplasma parvum in the second trimester. Thus, the vaginal microbiome may change in preparation for childbirth in response to multiple intrinsic factors after 37 weeks of gestation. Monitoring the Lactobacillus abundance may help improve the reliability of microbial PTB biomarkers.

Experiment 1

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/12


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Location of subjects
Republic of Korea
Host species Species from which microbiome was sampled. Contact us to have more species added.
Homo sapiens
Body site Anatomical site where microbial samples were extracted from according to the Uber Anatomy Ontology
Posterior fornix of vagina Pars posterior fornicis vaginae,Posterior fornix,Posterior part of fornix of vagina,Posterior fornix of vagina,posterior fornix of vagina
Condition The experimental condition / phenotype studied according to the Experimental Factor Ontology
Birth measurement Birth measurement,birth measurement
Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Full Term or Term Birth (FTB or TB) by Gestational Age at Sampling < 24weeks (GAS < 24weeks) - Timepoint A
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Preterm birth (PTB) by Gestational Age at Sampling < 24weeks (GAS < 24weeks) - Timepoint A
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
Preterm birth (PTB) is defined as delivery at less than 37 weeks of gestation and accounts for 8% of childbirths in South Korea
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Sequencing type
16S variable region One or more hypervariable region(s) of the bacterial 16S gene
Sequencing platform Manufacturer and experimental platform used for quantifying microbial abundance

Statistical Analysis

Data transformation Data transformation applied to microbial abundance measurements prior to differential abundance testing (if any).
relative abundances
Statistical test
Significance threshold p-value or FDR threshold used for differential abundance testing (if any)
MHT correction Have statistical tests be corrected for multiple hypothesis testing (MHT)?
LDA Score above Threshold for the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) score for studies using the popular LEfSe tool

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness

Signature 1

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/12

Curator: KateRasheed

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Source: Fig. 2A

Description: FTB- or PTB-associated microbiome using linear discriminant analysis effect size

Abundance in Group 1: decreased abundance in

NCBI Quality ControlLinks
Unclassified Eubacterium rectaleUnclassified Eubacterium rectale
Staphylococcus simulans
Ruminococcus bromii
Oscillibacter ruminantium
Eubacterium coprostanoligenes
Gemmiger formicilis

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Experiment 2

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/12


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Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Full Term or Term Birth (FTB or TB) by Gestational Age at Sampling 24 - < 32weeks (GAS 24 - < 32weeks) - Timepoint B
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Preterm birth (PTB) by Gestational Age at Sampling 24 - < 32weeks (GAS 24 - < 32weeks) - Timepoint B
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness

Signature 1

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/12

Curator: KateRasheed

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Source: Fig. 2A

Description: FTB- or PTB-associated microbiome using linear discriminant analysis effect size

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in

NCBI Quality ControlLinks
Moraxella osloensis
Cutibacterium acnes
Ureaplasma parvum

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Experiment 3

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/12


Revision editor(s):

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Full Term or Term Birth (FTB or TB) by Gestational Age at Sampling 32 - < 37weeks (GAS 32 - < 37weeks) - Timepoint C
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Preterm birth (PTB) by Gestational Age at Sampling 32 - < 37weeks (GAS 32 - < 37weeks) - Timepoint C
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness

Signature 1

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/12

Curator: KateRasheed

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Source: Fig. 2A

Description: FTB- or PTB-associated microbiome using linear discriminant analysis effect size

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in

NCBI Quality ControlLinks
Finegoldia magna
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Pseudescherichia vulneris

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Experiment 4

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/14


Revision editor(s):

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Full Term or Term Birth (FTB or TB) by Gestational Age at Sampling < 24weeks (GAS < 24weeks) - Timepoint A
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Preterm birth (PTB) by Gestational Age at Sampling < 24weeks (GAS < 24weeks) - Timepoint A
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Statistical test
Mann-Whitney (Wilcoxon)
MHT correction Have statistical tests be corrected for multiple hypothesis testing (MHT)?
LDA Score above Threshold for the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) score for studies using the popular LEfSe tool
Not specified

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness

Signature 1

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/14

Curator: KateRasheed

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Source: Fig. 2B

Description: Differential abundance of the vaginal microbiome in women with FTB and PTB at each sampling time point using STAMP

Abundance in Group 1: decreased abundance in

NCBI Quality ControlLinks
Agathobacter rectalis ATCC 33656
Alloprevotella rava
Oscillibacter valericigenes Sjm18-20
Pseudescherichia vulneris
Acidovorax temperans strain PHLAcidovorax temperans strain PHL

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Experiment 5

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/14


Revision editor(s):

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Full Term or Term Birth (FTB or TB) by Gestational Age at Sampling 24 - < 32weeks (GAS 24 - < 32weeks) - Timepoint B
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Preterm birth (PTB) by Gestational Age at Sampling 24 - < 32weeks (GAS 24 - < 32weeks) - Timepoint B
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness

Signature 1

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/14

Curator: KateRasheed

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Source: Fig. 2B

Description: Differential abundance of the vaginal microbiome in women with FTB and PTB at each sampling time point using STAMP

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in

NCBI Quality ControlLinks
Moraxella osloensis

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Signature 2

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/14

Curator: KateRasheed

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Source: Fig. 2B

Description: Differential abundance of the vaginal microbiome in women with FTB and PTB at each sampling time point using STAMP

Abundance in Group 1: decreased abundance in

NCBI Quality ControlLinks
Lactobacillus iners DSM 13335

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Experiment 6

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/14

Curator: KateRasheed

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Full Term or Term Birth (FTB or TB) by Gestational Age at Sampling 32 - < 37weeks (GAS 32 - < 37weeks) - Timepoint C
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Preterm birth (PTB) by Gestational Age at Sampling 32 - < 37weeks (GAS 32 - < 37weeks) - Timepoint C
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness

Signature 1

Needs review

Curated date: 2025/02/14

Curator: KateRasheed

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Source: Fig. 2B

Description: Differential abundance of the vaginal microbiome in women with FTB and PTB at each sampling time point using STAMP

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Preterm birth (PTB) by Gestational Age at Sampling 32 - < 37weeks (GAS 32 - < 37weeks) - Timepoint C

NCBI Quality ControlLinks
Dialister invisus

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks