Discuss Microbiome of the lower genital tract in Chinese women with endometriosis by 16s-rRNA sequencing technique: a pilot study

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NOTE: Three different parts of the cervix were sampled in this study.However, the body site sampled for each experiment wasn’t clearly stated. Cervical cavity was selected to cover for all the prts of the cervix sampled

The inclusion criteria included in this study are: patients within 18–45 years old, patients with regular menstrual cycle (28±7 days), non-antibiotics use within 30 days, no hormone replacement therapy for 30 days, no sexual activity within 48 hours, no douching and vaginal medications within five days, and no cervical treatment within one week.

The exclusion criteria included the following items: patients with BV, cervical inflammation, pelvic inflammatory disease, any acute inflammation, cancer and autoimmune disorders, pregnant patients, patients with intra-uterine devices, and patients who were in menstrual period at the time of sampling.