Discuss Exploring gut microbiota in adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): Associations with gut health and dietary prebiotics

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Reason why all the taxa were not curated

This study observed a significant decrease in alpha diversity in Septemebr fish compared to Jan and April fish, indicating a reduction in the total number of bacterial taxa present in the gut. Notably, the study identified 32 different taxa whose abundance decreased in September fish, but their specific names were not listed in the study. The study identified 39 differentially abundant taxa, 33 taxa associated with alpha diversity and another 32 associated with gene expression of gut barrier function.

Reason for Body Site: The aim of the study was to investigate the association between the microbiota of the distal intestinal digesta and gut health of the subject. intestinal tract of subjects were divided into segments.

Note: there were no significant diet effect on subject at any Sampling timepoints.

Supplemental. figure 3 Hard to curate taxa in this reliably