Socioeconomic Status and the Gut Microbiome: A TwinsUK Cohort Study/Experiment 1/Signature 1

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Curated date: 2022/06/10

Curator: Kaluifeanyi101

Revision editor(s): Kaluifeanyi101, WikiWorks

Source: Figure 2A; Tabel 2

Description: Differential abundance of OTUs with socioeconomic variables and covariates. DeSeq2 calculated the differential abundance of OTUs in: (A). Between the lowest and highest levels of deprivation for education, income, and the IMD, and in models adjusted for age, Body Mass Index (BMI), health deficit (FI), and diet (HEI).

Table 2. Summary of taxa assigned to OTUs found to be differentially abundant between the most-deprived and least-deprived measures of socioeconomic status in at least two models. Only taxa with multiple OTUs assigned to it, or with multiple SES factors associated with it, and with q-value <, 0.01 are discussed. OTUs relatively enriched in the least deprived compared to the highest for each SES variable are indicated with (+); those enriched in the most deprived compared to the least indicated with (−); where multiple directions of association were observed, this is indicated with (+/−).

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in lower SES (income<£25,000)

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Revision editor(s): Kaluifeanyi101, WikiWorks