Higher Risk of Stroke Is Correlated With Increased Opportunistic Pathogen Load and Reduced Levels of Butyrate-Producing Bacteria in the Gut

From BugSigDB
Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10
PMID PubMed identifier for scientific articles.
DOI Digital object identifier for electronic documents.
Zeng X, Gao X, Peng Y, Wu Q, Zhu J, Tan C, Xia G, You C, Xu R, Pan S, Zhou H, He Y, Yin J
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology
16S rRNA, fecal, microbiota, short-chain fatty acids, stroke risk
Objective: Gut microbiota is a newly identified risk factor for stroke, and there are no large prospective studies linking the baseline gut microbiome to long-term risk of stroke. We present here the correlation between the gut microbiota and stroke risk in people with no prior stroke history. Methods: A total of 141 participants aged ≥60 years without prior history of stroke were recruited and divided into low-risk, medium-risk, and high-risk groups based on known risk factors and whether they were suffering from chronic diseases. The composition of their gut microbiomes was compared using 16S rRNA gene amplicon next-generation-sequencing and Quantitative Insights into Microbial Ecology (QIIME) analysis. Levels of fecal short-chain fatty acids were measured using gas chromatography. Results: We found that opportunistic pathogens (e.g., Enterobacteriaceae and Veillonellaceae) and lactate-producing bacteria (e.g., Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus) were enriched, while butyrate-producing bacteria (e.g., Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae) were depleted, in the high-risk group compared to the low-risk group. Butyrate concentrations were also lower in the fecal samples obtained from the high-risk group than from the low-risk group. The concentrations of other short-chain fatty acids (e.g., acetate, propionate, isobutyrate, isovalerate, and valerate) in the gut were comparable among the three groups. Conclusion: Participants at high risk of stroke were characterized by the enrichment of opportunistic pathogens, low abundance of butyrate-producing bacteria, and reduced concentrations of fecal butyrate. More researches into the gut microbiota as a risk factor in stroke should be carried out in the near future.

Experiment 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, KateRasheed, WikiWorks


Location of subjects
Host species Species from which microbiome was sampled. Contact us to have more species added.
Homo sapiens
Body site Anatomical site where microbial samples were extracted from according to the Uber Anatomy Ontology
Feces Cow dung,Cow pat,Droppings,Dung,Excrement,Excreta,Faeces,Fecal material,Fecal matter,Fewmet,Frass,Guano,Matières fécales@fr,Merde@fr,Ordure,Partie de la merde@fr,Piece of shit,Porción de mierda@es,Portion of dung,Portion of excrement,Portion of faeces,Portion of fecal material,Portion of fecal matter,Portion of feces,Portion of guano,Portion of scat,Portionem cacas,Scat,Spoor,Spraint,Stool,Teil der fäkalien@de,Feces,feces
Condition The experimental condition / phenotype studied according to the Experimental Factor Ontology
Stroke Acute Cerebrovascular Accident,Acute Cerebrovascular Accidents,Acute Stroke,Acute Strokes,Apoplexy,Apoplexy, Cerebrovascular,Brain Vascular Accident,Brain Vascular Accidents,cerebral infarction,Cerebral Stroke,Cerebral Strokes,Cerebrovascular Accident,cerebrovascular accident,Cerebrovascular accident (disorder),Cerebrovascular accident (disorder) [Ambiguous],CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT, (CVA),cerebrovascular accident, (CVA),Cerebrovascular Accident, Acute,Cerebrovascular Accidents,Cerebrovascular Accidents, Acute,Cerebrovascular Apoplexy,Cerebrovascular Apoplexya,Cerebrovascular Stroke,Cerebrovascular Strokes,CVA,CVA (cerebral vascular accident),CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident),CVA - Cerebrovascular accident,CVA - Cerebrovascular accident unspecified,CVA, CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT,CVA, cerebrovascular accident,CVAs (Cerebrovascular Accident),ischemic stroke,stroke,Stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified,Stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified (disorder),stroke disorder,Stroke NOS,Stroke NOS (disorder),STROKE SYNDROME,stroke syndrome,Stroke, Acute,Stroke, Cerebral,Stroke, Cerebrovascular,Stroke/CVA - undefined,Strokes,Strokes, Acute,Strokes, Cerebral,Strokes, Cerebrovascular,SYNDROME, STROKE,syndrome, stroke,undetermined stroke,Vascular Accident, Brain,Vascular Accidents, Brain,Stroke
Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Low Risk (LR) and Medium Risk (MR)
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
High Risk (HR)
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
The high-risk (HR) group comprised of participants with three or more risk factors. The risk factors Include Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation, Diabetes mellitus, Dyslipidemias, Smoking, Physical inactivity, Overweight and Family history of stroke.
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group
Antibiotics exclusion Number of days without antibiotics usage (if applicable) and other antibiotics-related criteria used to exclude participants (if any)
3 months

Lab analysis

Sequencing type
16S variable region One or more hypervariable region(s) of the bacterial 16S gene
Sequencing platform Manufacturer and experimental platform used for quantifying microbial abundance

Statistical Analysis

Data transformation Data transformation applied to microbial abundance measurements prior to differential abundance testing (if any).
relative abundances
Statistical test
Significance threshold p-value or FDR threshold used for differential abundance testing (if any)
MHT correction Have statistical tests be corrected for multiple hypothesis testing (MHT)?
LDA Score above Threshold for the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) score for studies using the popular LEfSe tool

Alpha Diversity

Chao1 Abundance-based estimator of species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Source: Figure 2C

Description: Differentially Abundant taxa between the Low Risk (LR)/Medium Risk (MR) and High Risk (HR) groups determined using linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in High Risk (HR)

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Experiment 2

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): WikiWorks, KateRasheed, MyleeeA

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Low Risk (LR) and High Risk (HR)
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Medium Risk (MR)
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
The Medium-risk (MR) group comprised of participants with less than three risk factors and chronic diseases. The risk factors Include Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation, Diabetes mellitus, Dyslipidemias, Smoking, Physical inactivity, Overweight and Family history of stroke.
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Alpha Diversity

Chao1 Abundance-based estimator of species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Source: Figure 2C

Description: Differentially Abundant taxa between the Low Risk (LR)/High Risk (HR) and Medium Risk (MR) groups determined using linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Medium Risk (MR)

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Experiment 3

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
High Risk (HR) and Medium Risk (MR)
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Low Risk (LR)
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
The Low-risk (LR) group comprised of participants with less than three risk factors without chronic diseases. The risk factors Include Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation, Diabetes mellitus, Dyslipidemias, Smoking, Physical inactivity, Overweight and Family history of stroke.
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Alpha Diversity

Chao1 Abundance-based estimator of species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Source: Figure 2C

Description: Differentially Abundant taxa between the High Risk (HR)/Medium Risk (MR) and Low Risk (LR) groups determined using linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Low Risk (LR)

NCBI Quality ControlLinks
Streptococcaceae bacterium RF32

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Experiment 4

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Low Risk (LR) and Medium Risk (MR) Without Medication use
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
High Risk (HR) Without Medication use
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
The high-risk (HR) group comprised of participants with three or more risk factors without medication use. The risk factors Include Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation, Diabetes mellitus, Dyslipidemias, Smoking, Physical inactivity, Overweight and Family history of stroke.
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Confounders controlled for Confounding factors that have been accounted for by stratification or model adjustment
Confounders controlled for: "medication" is not in the list (abnormal glucose tolerance, acetaldehyde, acute graft vs. host disease, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, adenoma, age, AIDS, alcohol consumption measurement, alcohol drinking, ...) of allowed values.medication

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness
Chao1 Abundance-based estimator of species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Source: Supplementary Figure 5

Description: Differentially Abundant taxa between the Low Risk (LR)/Medium Risk (MR) and High Risk (HR) groups Without medication use determined using linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis.

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in High Risk (HR) Without Medication use

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Experiment 5

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Low Risk (LR) and High Risk (HR) Without Medication use
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Medium Risk (MR) Without Medication use
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
The Medium-risk (MR) group comprised of participants with less than three risk factors, chronic diseases and without medication use. The risk factors Include Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation, Diabetes mellitus, Dyslipidemias, Smoking, Physical inactivity, Overweight and Family history of stroke.
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness
Chao1 Abundance-based estimator of species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Source: Supplementary Figure 5

Description: Differentially Abundant taxa between the Low Risk (LR)/High Risk (HR) and Medium Risk (MR) groups Without medication use determined using linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Medium Risk (MR) Without Medication use

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Experiment 6

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): WikiWorks, MyleeeA

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
High Risk (HR) and Medium Risk (MR) Without Medication use
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Low Risk (LR) Without Medication use
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
The Low-risk (LR) group comprised of participants with less than three risk factors without chronic diseases and medication use. The risk factors Include Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation, Diabetes mellitus, Dyslipidemias, Smoking, Physical inactivity, Overweight and Family history of stroke.
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group
Antibiotics exclusion Number of days without antibiotics usage (if applicable) and other antibiotics-related criteria used to exclude participants (if any)
3 Months

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness
Chao1 Abundance-based estimator of species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Source: Supplementary Figure 5

Description: Differentially Abundant taxa between the High Risk (HR)/Medium Risk (MR) and Low Risk (LR) groups Without medication use determined using linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Low Risk (LR) Without Medication use

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Experiment 7

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Low Risk (LR) and Medium Risk (MR) With Medication use
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
High Risk (HR) With Medication use
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
The high-risk (HR) group comprised of participants with three or more risk factors with medication use. The risk factors Include Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation, Diabetes mellitus, Dyslipidemias, Smoking, Physical inactivity, Overweight and Family history of stroke.
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group
Antibiotics exclusion Number of days without antibiotics usage (if applicable) and other antibiotics-related criteria used to exclude participants (if any)
3 months

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness
Chao1 Abundance-based estimator of species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Source: Supplementary Figure 6

Description: Differentially Abundant taxa between the Low Risk (LR)/Medium Risk (MR) and High Risk (HR) groups With medication use determined using linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis.

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in High Risk (HR) With Medication use

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Experiment 8

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Low Risk (LR) and High Risk (HR) With Medication use
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Medium Risk (MR) With Medication use
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
The Medium-risk (MR) group comprised of participants with less than three risk factors, chronic diseases and with medication use. The risk factors Include Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation, Diabetes mellitus, Dyslipidemias, Smoking, Physical inactivity, Overweight and Family history of stroke.
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group
Antibiotics exclusion Number of days without antibiotics usage (if applicable) and other antibiotics-related criteria used to exclude participants (if any)
3 Months

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Confounders controlled for Confounding factors that have been accounted for by stratification or model adjustment
Not specified

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness
Chao1 Abundance-based estimator of species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Source: Supplementary Figure 6

Description: Differentially Abundant taxa between the Low Risk (LR)/High Risk (HR) and Medium Risk (MR) groups With medication use determined using linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Medium Risk (MR) With Medication use

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Experiment 9

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): WikiWorks, KateRasheed, MyleeeA

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
High Risk (HR) and Medium Risk (MR) With Medication use
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Low Risk (LR) With Medication use
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
The Low-risk (LR) group comprised of participants with less than three risk factors with chronic diseases and medication use. The risk factors Include Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation, Diabetes mellitus, Dyslipidemias, Smoking, Physical inactivity, Overweight and Family history of stroke.
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group
Antibiotics exclusion Number of days without antibiotics usage (if applicable) and other antibiotics-related criteria used to exclude participants (if any)
3 months

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness
Chao1 Abundance-based estimator of species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Source: Supplementary Figure 6

Description: Differentially Abundant taxa between the High Risk (HR)/Medium Risk (MR) and Low Risk (LR) groups With medication use determined using linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Low Risk (LR) With Medication use

NCBI Quality ControlLinks
Streptococcaceae bacterium RF32

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Experiment 10

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Low Risk (LR) and Medium Risk (MR)
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
High Risk (HR)
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
The high-risk (HR) group comprised of participants with three or more risk factors. The risk factors Include Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation, Diabetes mellitus, Dyslipidemias, Smoking, Physical inactivity, Overweight and Family history of stroke.
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness
Chao1 Abundance-based estimator of species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Source: Supplementary Figure 2G

Description: Differentially Abundant taxa between the Low Risk (LR)/Medium Risk (MR) and High Risk (HR) groups determined using linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis. DADA2 sequencing was used.

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in High Risk (HR)

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Experiment 11

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Low Risk (LR) and High Risk (HR)
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Medium Risk (MR)
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
The Medium-risk (MR) group comprised of participants with less than three risk factors and chronic diseases. The risk factors Include Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation, Diabetes mellitus, Dyslipidemias, Smoking, Physical inactivity, Overweight and Family history of stroke.
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness
Chao1 Abundance-based estimator of species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Source: Supplementary Figure 2G

Description: Differentially Abundant taxa between the Low Risk (LR)/High Risk (HR) and Medium Risk (MR) groups determined using linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis. DADA2 sequencing was used.

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Medium Risk (MR)

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Experiment 12

Needs review

Curated date: 2024/10/26

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
High Risk (HR) and Medium Risk (MR)
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Low Risk (LR)
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
The Low-risk (LR) group comprised of participants with less than three risk factors without chronic diseases. The risk factors Include Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation, Diabetes mellitus, Dyslipidemias, Smoking, Physical inactivity, Overweight and Family history of stroke
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Data transformation Data transformation applied to microbial abundance measurements prior to differential abundance testing (if any).
raw counts

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness
Chao1 Abundance-based estimator of species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Experiment 13

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/11/01

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Low Risk (LR)
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
High Risk (HR)
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
The high-risk (HR) group comprised of participants with three or more risk factors. The risk factors Include Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation, Diabetes mellitus, Dyslipidemias, Smoking, Physical inactivity, Overweight and Family history of stroke.
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Data transformation Data transformation applied to microbial abundance measurements prior to differential abundance testing (if any).
relative abundances
Statistical test
MHT correction Have statistical tests be corrected for multiple hypothesis testing (MHT)?
LDA Score above Threshold for the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) score for studies using the popular LEfSe tool
Not specified

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness
Chao1 Abundance-based estimator of species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/11/01

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Source: Figure 4E

Description: The relative abundance of butyrate and lactate-producing bacteria in the gut, between the High Risk (HR) and Low Risk (LR) groups.

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in High Risk (HR)

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Signature 2

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/11/01

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Source: Figure 3A, 3B, 3D, 3E

Description: The relative abundance of butyrate and lactate-producing bacteria in the gut, between the High Risk (HR) and Low Risk (LR) groups.

Abundance in Group 1: decreased abundance in High Risk (HR)

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Experiment 14

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/28

Curator: Princess Ben

Revision editor(s): Princess Ben, MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Statistical test
MHT correction Have statistical tests be corrected for multiple hypothesis testing (MHT)?
LDA Score above Threshold for the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) score for studies using the popular LEfSe tool

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness
Chao1 Abundance-based estimator of species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/10/28

Curator: Princess Ben

Revision editor(s): Princess Ben, MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Source: Supplementary Figure 1G

Description: Differentially Abundant taxa in the High Risk (HR) compared to Low Risk (LR) groups were determined using linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis.

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in High Risk (HR)

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): Princess Ben, MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Signature 2

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/11/01

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Source: Supplementary Figure 1G

Description: Differentially Abundant taxa in the High Risk (HR) compared to Low Risk (LR) groups were determined using linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis.

Abundance in Group 1: decreased abundance in High Risk (HR)

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Experiment 15

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/11/01

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Medium Risk (MR)
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
The Medium-risk (MR) group comprised of participants with less than three risk factors and chronic diseases. The risk factors Include Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation, Diabetes mellitus, Dyslipidemias, Smoking, Physical inactivity, Overweight and Family history of stroke.
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Statistical test
MHT correction Have statistical tests be corrected for multiple hypothesis testing (MHT)?
LDA Score above Threshold for the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) score for studies using the popular LEfSe tool
Not specified

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/11/01

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Source: Figure 4G

Description: The relative abundance of butyrate and lactate-producing bacteria in the gut, between the Medium Risk (MR) and Low Risk (LR) groups.

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Medium Risk (MR)

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, WikiWorks

Signature 2

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2024/11/01

Curator: MyleeeA

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Source: Figure 3E

Description: The relative abundance of butyrate and lactate-producing bacteria in the gut, between the Medium Risk (MR) and Low Risk (LR) groups.

Abundance in Group 1: decreased abundance in Medium Risk (MR)

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): MyleeeA, KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Experiment 16

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2025/01/06

Curator: KateRasheed

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Differences from previous experiment shown


Group 0 name Corresponds to the control (unexposed) group for case-control studies
Medium Risk (LR) and High Risk (HR)
Group 1 name Corresponds to the case (exposed) group for case-control studies
Low Risk
Group 1 definition Diagnostic criteria applied to define the specific condition / phenotype represented in the case (exposed) group
Low Risk refers to participants without chronic diseases.
Group 0 sample size Number of subjects in the control (unexposed) group
Group 1 sample size Number of subjects in the case (exposed) group

Lab analysis

Statistical Analysis

Statistical test
MHT correction Have statistical tests be corrected for multiple hypothesis testing (MHT)?
LDA Score above Threshold for the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) score for studies using the popular LEfSe tool

Alpha Diversity

Shannon Estimator of species richness and species evenness: more weight on species richness
Chao1 Abundance-based estimator of species richness
Richness Number of species
Faith Phylogenetic diversity, takes into account phylogenetic distance of all taxa identified in a sample

Signature 1

Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2025-1-10

Curated date: 2025/01/07

Curator: KateRasheed

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks

Source: Supplementary Figure 2G

Description: Differentially Abundant taxa between the High Risk (HR)/Medium Risk (MR) and Low Risk (LR) groups determined using linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis. DADA2 sequencing was used.

Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Low Risk

NCBI Quality ControlLinks

Revision editor(s): KateRasheed, WikiWorks