Hormonal contraception alters vaginal microbiota and cytokines in South African adolescents in a randomized trial/Experiment 1/Signature 2

From BugSigDB
Needs review

Curated date: 2024/11/15

Curator: Tosin

Revision editor(s): Tosin

Source: Table 3

Description: DESeq2 analysis of taxa differentially abundant between randomized study arms at crossover COC (combined oral contraceptives) vs Net EN (norethisterone enanthate ) arm].

Abundance in Group 1: decreased abundance in COC (combined oral contraceptives) arm

NCBI Quality ControlLinks
Hoylesella shahii
Lachnoanaerobaculum saburreum
Prevotella amnii
Prevotella denticola
Segatella baroniae
Segatella oulorum
Treponema vincentii
Clostridium BVAB3_M_indolicusClostridium BVAB3_M_indolicus

Revision editor(s): Tosin