Different gastric microbiota compositions in two human populations with high and low gastric cancer risk in Colombia/Experiment 1/Signature 2
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< Different gastric microbiota compositions in two human populations with high and low gastric cancer risk in Colombia | Different gastric microbiota compositions in two human populations with high and low gastric cancer risk in Colombia/Experiment 1(Redirected from Different gastric microbiota compositions in two human populations with high and low gastric cancer risk in Colombia/Experiment 1/Signature 2)
Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Claregrieve1 on 2022/09/1
Curated date: 2021/01/10
Curator: Valentina Pineda
Revision editor(s): WikiWorks, Lwaldron, Claregrieve1, Merit
Source: Table 3
Description: Differential microbial abundance between Tuquerres and Tumaco residents
Abundance in Group 1: decreased abundance in high gastric cancer risk patients (Tuquerres residents)
Revision editor(s): WikiWorks, Lwaldron, Claregrieve1, Merit