Human gut colonisation may be initiated in utero by distinct microbial communities in the placenta and amniotic fluid/Experiment 2/Signature 1
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< Human gut colonisation may be initiated in utero by distinct microbial communities in the placenta and amniotic fluid | Human gut colonisation may be initiated in utero by distinct microbial communities in the placenta and amniotic fluid/Experiment 2(Redirected from Human gut colonisation may be initiated in utero by distinct microbial communities in the placenta and amniotic fluid/Experiment 2/Signature 1)
Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Shaimaa Elsafoury on 2021/02/09
Source: Figure 4D
Description: Differentially abundant bacteria in colostrum samples compared to placenta samples from LEfSe analysis
Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in colostrum
NCBI | Quality Control | Links |
Bacillaceae | ||
Streptococcaceae |
Revision editor(s): Merit, WikiWorks, ChiomaBlessing