The long-term gut bacterial signature of a wild primate is associated with a timing effect of pre- and postnatal maternal glucocorticoid levels/Experiment 7/Signature 1
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< The long-term gut bacterial signature of a wild primate is associated with a timing effect of pre- and postnatal maternal glucocorticoid levels | The long-term gut bacterial signature of a wild primate is associated with a timing effect of pre- and postnatal maternal glucocorticoid levels/Experiment 7(Redirected from The long-term gut bacterial signature of a wild primate is associated with a timing effect of pre- and postnatal maternal glucocorticoid levels/Experiment 7/Signature 1)
Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2024-9-13
Curated date: 2024/03/25
Curator: Ikehdarlington
Revision editor(s): Ikehdarlington, Joan Chuks, WikiWorks
Source: Figure 5
Description: Bacteria Taxa affected by Offspring glucocorticoid (OffspringGC) and determined by ANCOM-BC to be differentially abundant in 2.3 years old Assamese macaques (mean age -1SD, equivalent to infant age class) Versus 4.7 years old Assamese macaques (mean age, equivalent to Juvenile age class) as assessed during the rich season.
Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Offspring glucocorticoid (OffspringGC) in 2.3 years old (mean age -1SD)
Revision editor(s): Ikehdarlington, Joan Chuks, WikiWorks