Differential Analysis of Gut Microbiota Correlated With Oxidative Stress in Sows With High or Low Litter Performance During Lactation/Experiment 3/Signature 1
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< Differential Analysis of Gut Microbiota Correlated With Oxidative Stress in Sows With High or Low Litter Performance During Lactation | Differential Analysis of Gut Microbiota Correlated With Oxidative Stress in Sows With High or Low Litter Performance During Lactation/Experiment 3(Redirected from Differential Analysis of Gut Microbiota Correlated With Oxidative Stress in Sows With High or Low Litter Performance During Lactation/Experiment 3/Signature 1)
Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by Svetlana up on 2024-7-15
Source: Figure 4H
Description: Differences in fecal microbiota in day 109 of gestation (G109) compared to day 21 of lactation (L21) of high litter performance sows
Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Day 21 of lactation (L21) of H group
Revision editor(s): Scholastica, WikiWorks