Discuss Microbiome features associated with performance measures in athletic and non-athletic individuals: A case-control study

From BugSigDB


ANCOM was used for differential abundance testing but did not yield significant results. Instead it revealed species with the greatest differential enrichment.

So I did not include it as a Statistical test. I hope that is okay.

LEfSe on the other hand according to table 2 was able to identify specific microbial species that were significantly more abundant in each groups.


Below is the reason I added multiple experiments(1-10) and signatures

The case group took two different exercise tests; (1) a repeated 30-s all-out Wingate test (WT) and (2) the Bruce Treadmill Test (BT), and all participants collected fresh stool samples before and after each exercise intervention.

The paper recorded 5 different time points:

W1 - The same day after the Wingate test (Strength and endurance athletes).

W2 - In the morning after the Wingate test on an empty stomach (Strength and endurance athletes).

B0 - In the morning before the Bruce Treadmill Test (Strength and endurance athletes).

B1 - The same day after the Bruce Treadmill Test (Strength and endurance athletes).

B2 - In the morning after the Bruce Treadmill Test on an empty stomach (Strength and endurance athletes

So I thought to record the experiments and the differential abundance differently as stated in the table I used as my source (table 2).