Discuss Modified Mediterranean-ketogenic diet modulates gut microbiome and short-chain fatty acids in association with Alzheimer's disease markers in subjects with mild cognitive impairment

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Mogibacteriaceae was not found on NCBI and I picked the following information on the Discussion page for Pages with missing NCBI The Mogibacteriaceae family is currently being studied, and its specific roles and functions in the oral microbiome are still being investigated. The oral microbiota is complex and diverse, with various interactions and consequences on oral health and disorders such as dental caries and periodontal disease.

Pseudomonadota is the new name for the phylum of bacteria that was previously known as Proteobacteria (Phylum name in the study). So, I updated it as Pseudomonadota with the NCBI ID (1224).

I also couldn't find the Phylas Tenericutes and Firmicutes they appeared with other names.

Tenericutes is a Homotypic Synonym to Mycoplasmatota with NCBI ID (544448) and Firmicutes is the Heterotypic synonym of Bacillota with ID (1239).