Sputum bacterial load and bacterial composition correlate with lung function and are altered by long-term azithromycin treatment in children with HIV-associated chronic lung disease/Experiment 2/Signature 1
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< Sputum bacterial load and bacterial composition correlate with lung function and are altered by long-term azithromycin treatment in children with HIV-associated chronic lung disease | Sputum bacterial load and bacterial composition correlate with lung function and are altered by long-term azithromycin treatment in children with HIV-associated chronic lung disease/Experiment 2
Needs review Marked as Needs review by Chloe on 2024-6-20
Source: Tables S6 and S7
Description: Table S 6. Results of differential abundance testing of bacterial taxa from AZM and Placebo samples from 72 weeks using DESeq2.
Table S 7. Results of differential abundance testing of bacterial taxa from AZM and Placebo samples from 72 weeks using Ancom-II
Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in AZM at 72 weeks
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Revision editor(s): WikiWorks, Chloe, Peace Sandy, Davvve, Chinelsy