Ketogenic Diets in Children With Intractable Epilepsy and its Effects on Gastrointestinal Function, Gut Microbiome, Inflammation, and Quality of Life/Experiment 1/Signature 2
From BugSigDB
< Ketogenic Diets in Children With Intractable Epilepsy and its Effects on Gastrointestinal Function, Gut Microbiome, Inflammation, and Quality of Life | Ketogenic Diets in Children With Intractable Epilepsy and its Effects on Gastrointestinal Function, Gut Microbiome, Inflammation, and Quality of Life/Experiment 1
Needs review
Source: Supplemental Digital Content 4
Description: Fecal microbiome of post-ketogenic diet group compared to pre-ketogenic diet group
Abundance in Group 1: decreased abundance in post-ketogenic diet
NCBI | Quality Control | Links |
Actinomycetota |
Revision editor(s): Kavyaayala, WikiWorks