The gut microbiota is associated with psychiatric symptom severity and treatment outcome among individuals with serious mental illness/Experiment 5/Signature 1
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< The gut microbiota is associated with psychiatric symptom severity and treatment outcome among individuals with serious mental illness | The gut microbiota is associated with psychiatric symptom severity and treatment outcome among individuals with serious mental illness/Experiment 5(Redirected from The gut microbiota is associated with psychiatric symptom severity and treatment outcome among individuals with serious mental illness/Experiment 5/Signature 1)
Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by ChiomaBlessing on 2024-2-20
Curated date: 2024/02/20
Curator: ChiomaBlessing
Revision editor(s): ChiomaBlessing, Joan Chuks, WikiWorks
Source: Figure 3A and 3B
Description: Significant bacterial biomarkers among participants who achieved remission from depression (YES) VS participants who did not achieve remission from depression at discharge (NO)
Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in Yes
Revision editor(s): ChiomaBlessing, Joan Chuks, WikiWorks