Recurrent urinary tract infection and estrogen shape the taxonomic ecology and function of the postmenopausal urogenital microbiome/Experiment 1/Signature 2
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< Recurrent urinary tract infection and estrogen shape the taxonomic ecology and function of the postmenopausal urogenital microbiome | Recurrent urinary tract infection and estrogen shape the taxonomic ecology and function of the postmenopausal urogenital microbiome/Experiment 1(Redirected from Recurrent urinary tract infection and estrogen shape the taxonomic ecology and function of the postmenopausal urogenital microbiome/Experiment 1/Signature 2)
Reviewed Marked as Reviewed by ChiomaBlessing on 2024-2-22
Source: Fig 3D + 3E
Description: Differentially abundant taxa in the rUTI History, UTI(−) group compared to the No UTI History group
Abundance in Group 1: increased abundance in rUTI History, UTI (-)
Revision editor(s): WikiWorks, Chloe, ChiomaBlessing, Tolulopeo, Chinelsy